Oh to be young and 24
In love and confused
‘Child’ on the inside
‘Adult’ on the outside
Sure, yet unsure
Of a future well thought out
Which now crumbles beneath your feet
Struggling to find answers
To questions you’re not even aware exist
Oh to be young and 24
In love and confused
‘Child’ on the inside
‘Adult’ on the outside
Sure, yet unsure
Of a future well thought out
Which now crumbles beneath your feet
Struggling to find answers
To questions you’re not even aware exist
That about sums it up!
And that’s where the problem lies. How do we answer questions we do not even know exist?
The age of mystery, you can never figure it out well enough
That’s a hard one.To questions you’re not even aware exist is not only next to impossible to accomplish but also a difficult thing to figure out to begin with.
to u the closeted writer,,, knw that we support ur every effort to break loose
That’s all we go through on our twenties.