My view,
I smile, cry, shudder, weep,
For into the souls of men I see deep,
A tear for the thief I see creep,
A smile for the lovers I see peep,
From my view,
I see down into souls deep,

A smile for the hungry I see fed,
A tear for the adulteress I see in bed,
A smile for the blind I see led,
A tear for the blood I see flowing red,
From my view,
I see the living and the dead,
A smile for the sick I see treat,
A tear for the wife I see beat,
A smile for the child grasping a sweet,
A tear for the husband I see cheat,
From my view,
I see different days but the same shit,
From my view,
I see all,
The good and the bad,
The happy and the sad,
For my view, ’tis up on high,
Sometimes I delight, sometimes I sigh,
From my view I see all,
I see all,
From my view…

About Author

My idea is to die young, as late as possible. I am a child of the world, a student of life and a social introvert. In other words, I am a poet.

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