Let Her Know | by Aisha Leigh

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Let them come
let them go
If they ask let them know
you don’t get to choose
It is ours to lose

Were it less than life and miles that ran between us two
Were we given more than faith to latch our future to
Then when its dark and what we once knew
is gone and fading fast
Were it that the last one I Loved was the one that loved me last.

If she asks
Let her know
It’s in the past
Let her go
Wounds don’t get to heal
This pain is always yours to feel


About Author

Aisha Leigh is an alien. She is a legal alien. She is a Gambian in London.


  1. That is painful.
    Were it that happy endings were not only movies’ themes and books
    Were it that every smile you wore was as real as it looks.

    He. Ebu find the person that poem is about.

  2. Phanis Obwaya on

    Were we not born in the episode of a modern fairy tale
    Where proportional feelings are inexistent and true love pale…
    Nice piece. Deep

    • It does, but mostly it helps put a name to it.
      Usually I’m not sure what is going on exactly until I clear up the noise and put it into words.

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