Browsing: Poetry

In 2016, my body is still a battlefield Bloody, lying, a lying carcass, they always tell me I am lying Even when what happened happened…

The fat graduand. The laughing ugly girl. But you would have laughed it off. And your father wouldn’t have stormed into college, with plain clothes…

I am not sorry anymore, world. The internet you shoved down my throat And the grotesque knowledge you dropped Onto my stunting spine taught me…

Let them come let them go If they ask let them know Sometimes you don’t get to choose Sometimes It is ours to lose Were…

To the dude that entered the elevator after me, I’m sorry. The silent breath of death that escaped my pants into the tiny gas chamber… Listen. That night I walked away from Your queries and accusing eyes, The flap-flap sound of my slippers Played rhythms to the lone…

In her debut historical novel, Black Mamba Boy, Somali novelist, Nadifa Mohamed follows the story of Jama which begins in the Yemeni port city of…

all cities yield their grammar, even Nairobi, sixteen years on. i have learnt the concrete nouns of places, the conjunctions of fly-overs, along Thika Road,…