Browsing: Romance

Poetry the Magunga
Dear Baby Boy

MOTHER: Dear baby boy, I can’t sleep I can’t think. I can’t even breathe. All I can think about is a crib, toys bottles and…

Campus the Magunga
Wambugus Grove

Outside every campus gate there is always a joint where they play old music. Every campus has such a joint. Ours is called Wambugus Grove.…

Relationships the Magunga
Love and Taxes

Sometimes we like pointing fingers at Cupid for love affairs going sour, because, honestly speaking; he can be really irresponsible when he chooses to. Such are the times when…

Relationships the Magunga

After looking for her for almost my entire lifetime, I finally found her in January this year. So you can only imagine how I felt…

Campus the Magunga

Words by Winnie Makori Through the long hours of labor, she managed to bring her to this world, a cruel world that had not shown…

War In My Heart

We must respect the other fellow’s religion, but only in the sense and to the extent  that we respect his theory that his wife is…