Browsing: Crazy Monday

Campus the Magunga
Room-mate Dysfunction

For all of you men living in campus hostels who thought that your girlfriends know you best, please stop kidding yourself.  Your girlfriend only knows…

Campus the Magunga

Praise the Lord crazy people. God is good, all the time. OK, now that we have that out of the way, let’s talk about holy…

Campus the Magunga
A Woman Conned

I didn’t quite catch her name, so let’s name her Kate. I met Kate outside our campus gates, distraught, cheated. She let me in on…

Campus the Magunga
Birds and Bees

Sex is a way of life in campus. At every single moment, there is a couple in a campus somewhere getting laid. And with the…

Campus the Magunga
Every Goon For Himself…

Parents, that entry they make on your son/daughter’s school fee, the one named ‘security’, it’s not for his/her security. Do not be fooled. It is…